The Story of Hewett's Honey...
Located in Duncanville, only 15 minutes south of Tuscaloosa, Hewett’s specializes in organic honey. Bill Hewett and son, Geary took up beekeeping as a hobby in the 1970s then started selling honey in the 1990s as a way to fund their pastime. “People are much more interested in organic honey now than when we started the business because there’s a greater effort to eat all-natural now,” Geary said. Hewett’s sells honey at the farm and through the Manna Grocery & Deli in Tuscaloosa. They also run a busy mail order service online, frequently shipping to customers in Japan because a shortage of honey bees there makes organic honey hard to find. In addition, Hewett’s offers a yummy honey soap, made with ground almond shells that work great as an exfoliator.
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Joy to Life Magazine - Hewett's Honey
Located in Duncanville, only 15 minutes south of Tuscaloosa, Hewett’s specializes in organic honey. Bill Hewett and son, Geary took up beekeeping as a hobby in the 1970s then started selling honey in the 1990s as a way to fund their pastime.

Tuscaloosa News - Buzzing business
“It’s hard and hot work, but it’s rewarding,” Hewett said. “Honeybees are complex insects. They go to work at daylight ad work until dark. And nobody has to tell them how to do it.“

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